Tuesday 1 July 2008

Eloi Renor's Royal Growth

Eloi Renor suddenly noticed that the red markings on the back of his neck had turned into a beard. The stubble was thick and left an inch wide gap between it and his lower hairline. His first thought was that he might have a testosterone imbalance, or that his psychological confidence issues were compensating to make him feel more masculine. Even if well-intentioned, he thought, neither of these options were at all calming. At least his Aeslan hairstyle and the high swung collar of his royal cloak covered his neck completely. For the moment, he tried not to worry about it.


Charm/Offender said...

My many apologies for any offence. Sometimes I forget about the "charm" prefix.

I was referring to my words as particularly toxic, not yours. Far from it, in fact, upon reading this prose.

Believe me, I have a great respect for anyone who calls a character "Eloi", if only because of my own morlock servility.

grey said...

Damn, I thought that name sounded too familiar to disguise.